Welcome to Marta's Legacy Dance Studio​

Level and Class Description
Level descriptions
Level 1/2 - ages 3-6 years old - Introductory Beginning
Level 3/4 - ages 5-10 years old - Beginning
Level 4/5 - ages 8-18 years old – Beginning/Intermediate
Level 5/6 - ages 12 years & up – Intermediate/Advanced through Professional
Level Teen/Adult (A) - ages 13 & up - Beginner through Professional
Acting & Voice Lessons - ages 4 & up
Dance Lessons - ages 2 ½ & up
Private Lessons - available upon request - all ages & all styles
Class Descriptions
Acro/Tricks - recreational through professional. This class will learn various tumbling, acro tricks throought out the year. This will also help to learn certain moves to work into dance classes. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Acting class - recreational through professional actors & actress', that will learn to act in theater, television, film, or any other story telling medium who tells the story by portraying a character a character and usually speaking or singing the written text, monologue, or play. This class will also teach them to adapt quickly to new skills through various teaching techniques including improve. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Audition Prep- Private Lessons only - recreational through professional this class will prepare you for any audition such as a play, acting role, dance role, singing role, broadway role, television role, college entry, etc. The instructor will teach you the do's and don'ts of an audition process, go through scenario auditions, head shots, resumes, etiquette, build confidence, etc.
Ballet - recreational through professional system of dance based on formalized movements and positions of the arms, feet, and body designed to enable the dancer to move with the greatest possible agility, control, speed, lightness, and grace. Classical-ballet technique is based on the turned-out position of the legs, which increases the range of movement through added mobility in the hip joint and also imparts a more pleasing line to the extended leg and learn ballet terminology and the pronunciation, meaning, and precise body form and
movement associated with each term. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the legs and body core (the center, or abdominals) as a strong core is required for many ballet movements (especially turns), and on developing flexibility andstrengthening legs and feet. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June! All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Ballet Technique - recreational through professional same as ballet description but will not have a performance for end of year recital! Just
working on all fundamentals and this class will help the serious dancers get ahead with their skills
Ballet/Tap class - please see both ballet and tap descriptions, but this class also has mat work to build the tiny dancers stability and coordination will developing their minds to remember all their fundamentals. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Hip Hop - recreational through professional Any type of dance that is done to modern, popular music could be considered “Hip-Hop”. Also a musical genre itself, “Hip-Hop” is derived from an urban, “street” type of movement and also have nurmous styles within it including popping, locking, ticking, break dancing, B boy, lyrical styles, house, etc! However, we do censor our music and in this class there will be NO vulgar music or inappropriate songs played. “Hip-Hop” is extremely popular these days and can be seen virtually everywhere, from commercials to artists in concerts. Our “Hip-Hop” classes include extensive strength training, coordination skill exercises, and combinations in the center to recognizable, age-appropriate music, and tricks! All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Jazz - recreational through professional The “Jazz” dance style covers perhaps the most territory of all. It encompasses a wide variety of other styles. Not to be confused with the musical genre of “Jazz”, this style of dance is not always performed to “Jazz” music, but can often use the popular music of today. Combining the basic techniques of ballet with the more modern steps found in Pop and Broadway, “Jazz” is an upbeat, stylish, and versatile dance form. Our “Jazz” classes include intensive strengthening warm ups, stretching techniques to elongate and encourage muscle strength, across the floor movements, leaps, turns and center combination work to fun and upbeat, recognizable music. Our student will have great knowledge of their terminology, a visual change in strength and flexibility, and a great appreciation for the dance form. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Lyrical/Contemporary - recreational through professional this beautiful, expressive style if often performed to slower, gentler music. It is called “Lyrical” because its movements are meant to tell audiences a kind of story through dance. The form combines Ballet techniques with the Jazz and Modern styles influencing the movements. An emotionally driven dance form, “Lyrical” depends greatly on the passion and interpretation of the performer, and not just the movements themselves. Also Contemporary dance is the exploration of the
total movement potential of the body. It differs from commercial or competitive dance in that it is not bound by set standards, as well as defined styles such as ballet or Jazz dance. Instead, it seeks to express a personalized vision, often through experimentation and collaboration for the development of new, more individualized approaches to the moving body and choreographic possibilities. It does not refuse classical ballet's leg technique in favor of modern dance's stress on the torso, while it also employs contact-release, floor work, fall and recovery, and improvisation characteristic of modern dance. Unpredictable changes in rhythm, speed, and direction are often used, as well. All levels will
perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Musical Theater - recreational through professional. A class that combines songs, spoken dialogue, acting, & dance, that had a story with all different emotions that are communicated through song, dance, & acting known as broadway musicals. The students will learn all aspects with more emphasis on dancing with acting and lip sync. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Pointe - recreational through professional Pointe technique is the part of classical ballet technique that concerns pointe work, in which a ballet dancer supports all body weight on the tips of fully extended feet. A dancer is said to be en pointe when the dancer's body is supported in this manner, and a fully extended foot is said to be en pointe when touching the floor, even when not bearing weight. Pointe work is performed while wearing pointe shoes, which employ structural reinforcing to distribute the dancer's weight load throughout the foot, thus reducing the load on the toes enough to enable the dancer to support all body weight on fully vertical feet. Pointe technique resulted from a desire for female dancers to appear weightless and sylph-like. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Tap - recreational through professional “Tap” is a percussive style of dance. Special shoes are worn by tap dancers to create various rhythms on the floor. While the rest of the body is still crucial to this art form, and general balance and grace are important, the fundamental characteristic of “Tap” is the sound it creates. There are different styles of this dance form, from the more classical form associated with the Rockettes, to a more modern, aggressive style called “hoofing”. Our “Tap” classes include tap-barre, center exercises, tap-turns both center and across the floor, and extensive rhythmic combination training. Our students will have an overall comprehension of rhythm, tap technique and terminology which will greatly enhance their coordination skills. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Tumbling - recreational. This class will learn various tumbling through out the year. This will also help to learn certain moves to work into dance classes. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!
Vocal - recreational through professional singers that will learn all the proper skills & techniques of poster, breathing, intonation, pitch, range, and proper warm-up. The students will learn to produce musical sounds with the voice & augments regular speech by use of tonality & rhythm. Singers will be accompanied by selected music of different genres or accapella. All levels will perform at the end of the year recital in June!